Main opposition party leader visits Pope tomorrow

Alexis Tsipras will meet Pope Francis tomorrow to talk about social justice and urgent need for peace in the Middle East

According to Avgi newspaper, the leader of the main opposition left party (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras will travel today to Rome accompanied by party’s spokesman Panos Skourletis and Walter Bayer, coordinator of the European network for alternative thinking and political dialogue, Transform!.

The main issues to be discussed during the meeting will be the social justice and the fight against unemployment, the urgent need for peace in the Middle East and the ongoing tragic deaths of refugees at the Mediterranean Sea.

According to party’ s sources, this meeting reflects the concern, even though expressed by different sides, to address the effects of the economic crisis and the humanitarian problems due to the wars.

The leadership of SYRIZA is satisfied since the meeting shows that a small country in the European Union addresses to all European societies and seeks cooperation regardless of the different ideological roots of each member.

The meeting is considered a “historical” one, as no other leftist leader has ever before been received by the head of the Roman Catholic church.