Modern sweatshop conditions uncovered on Cyprus

A human trafficking ring transported foreigners to Cyprus via false documents where they were subjected to humiliation and harassment

A gang of Bangladeshis with forged documents allegedly transferred undocumented workers to Cyprus to work in sweatshops. Greek-Cypriot Fileleftheros newspaper reports that 7-8,000 euros were taken from each person so that they could be transported to the free parts of the island, using false documents with promises of work.

The strange movements of a Bangladeshi national at Larnaca Airport raised suspicions, giving the operation away. Two illegal migrants from Bangladesh and two local workers said that they had been subject to mistreatment.

Workers at the sweatshop were reportedly subjected to mistreatment and worked shifts from 7 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. while being subjected to insults and harassment. In return, they received 300 euros for two months of work.

Fileleftheros reports that three members of the gang were arrested and a search is on for a fourth.