Most expensive luxury hotel in Europe is in Greece!

Costs 1,779 Euros per night!

When is comes to expensive luxury hotels in Europe our minds would justifiably go to cities such as London, Paris, maybe the French Rivera or Monaco. Well, think again, because according to a survey conducted in June 2016 by, the most expensive luxury hotel in Europe is in fact in crisis-ridden Greece! The survey used the cheapest available rate for a double room at luxury hotels across the continent in coming up with the rankings. The months of July and August 2016 served as the basis of comparison. Only hotels with 15 rooms or more were considered.

Topping the rankings was the Amanzo’e. Situated in the Peloponnese region of Southern Greece, the Amanzo’e took the top spot on the survey with a minimum summer rate of Euro 1779. Coming in second at Euro 1645 was the Le Dune hotel in the South of Sardinia. Rounding out the Top 3 was the Cap Estal at Euro 1596 for its least expensive room. This luxury hotel’s prime location in the French Riviera earned it the survey’s third spot.

The following table shows the 20 most expensive hotels in Europe this summer. The prices listed indicate the cheapest available rate for a double room during the period spanning July 1 to August 31, 2016.

Complete list:

luxury hotel