ND: We’ll immediately rescind SYRIZA law that frees convicted felons

Law also allows release of inmates with grave health problems, even … self-inflicted ones!

Conservative New Democracy continued to turn up the pre-election “heat” on Thursday against its main rival, leftist SYRIZA, promising to rescind a controversial law that allows for the early release of incarcerated felons in order to alleviate prison overcrowding.

At least two separate deadly robberies — on Hydra and in Thessaloniki — are blamed on inmates released through the legislation, dubbed the “Paraskevopoulos law” for the SYRIZA minister who pushed for the legislation.

A total of eight suspects, all Georgian nationals, have been charged in the two cases, seven in the first and a sole suspect in the second.

The bill was one of the few passed during the seven months of SYRIZA’s rule, beyond the cataclysmic third memorandum of terms with European creditors.

“The Paraskevopoulos law should have already been rescided. For a New Democracy government that will arise after the Sept. 20, this is an immediate priority,” a relevant ND announcement read.