Norman Atlantic: More shocking testimonies

Three Albanian nationals told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera of how they saw people die before their very eyes

Shocking testimonies have been forthcoming from survivors of the Norman Atlantic ferry disaster. Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera referred to the eye-witness accounts of three Albanian nationals who were on the wreck and saw people dying. “We saw people dying of asphyxia, with their bodies on the ship,” say the three survivors. “When the fire safety door closed, there were many trapped behind us who couldn’t open it. They banged with their hands so that we would open them but we were unable to. We clearly saw two of these people from behind the fire-proof glass falling dead from asphyxia.”

The nightmare continued even on the deck when they saw another passenger falling from great heights as he was being winched to safety by the helicopter. The man’s body crashed onto the deck. “There was blood, but we don’t know if he survived or not,” they say.

The three survivors also note that they had to break the storage rooms in order to find life jackets. They accuse crew members of getting into the life boats and abandoning the passengers on board.