Opposition MPs charge down payment of …65% in controversial defence contract!

The direct defence contract to upgrade the aging P-3B planes comes amid an unprecedented recession and cash-crunch affecting Greece

Centrist Potami party on Monday denounced as “scandalous” a provision allowing for a …65 percent down payment for the controversial modernization of five aging maritime surveillance planes.

Proto Thema first revealed the leftist government’s intention to directly award a 500-mln-dollar contract last month, a development that set off a firestorm of controversy and opposition criticism in the so-called “Orion-gate”.

The direct contract awarded to Lockheed Martin – the original manufacturer (former) of the 1960s-era designed planes – comes amid an unprecedented recession and cash-crunch affecting the country.

Potami MPs Spyros Danellis and Grigoris Psarianos tabled a question in Parliament, citing Proto Thema information, amongst others, charging that the down payment will total 323 million dollars.

The unpublished decision by the top government body for defence and security (KYSEA) which had approved of the contract, envisages the modernization of five turbo prop aircraft (P-3B Orion) in storage since … 2009!

The two opposition deputies also charged that DM Panos Kammenos, the leader of the junior coalition party – the rightist-populist Independent Greeks (ANEL) party – deceived Parliament’s relevant committee over the deal.