PM Tsipras supports simple proportional representation without seat bonus

SYRIZA also supports the start of a “broad-based” dialogue on revising the Constitution

SYRIZA’s Political Secretariat convened on Friday and noted the need for “deep democratic reforms” in Greece in an announcement issued.

The Political Secretariat stated its support for a change in election law toward a system of simple proportional representation without a seat bonus and the start of a “broad-based” dialogue on revising the Constitution.

According to SYRIZA sources, the detailed proposal will be drafted after Prime Minister and SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras meets with political leaders and the Central Committee’s meeting, which will take place on June 25-26.

During the meeting to take place among the political leaders, Mr. Tsipras will state his support to simple proportional representation, while the disagreement of main opposition party is believed to be certain. Therefore, the focus will be shifted to the other parties, so as SYRIZA can get the required votes to implement the new electoral law.