Police seek mystery of naked woman swimming 3 miles off coast

The police are skeptical of the woman’s story as to how she got there

It is still unknown as to why a woman, aged 28, was rescued nude on Sunday three miles off the Southern Coast of California. The woman told authorities that she was sept out to sea by a rip current after entering the sea at around 5.30 p.m on Saturday. Two kayakers found her, naked, screaming for help and rescued her. She says that in her panic she took off her swimsuit so that her movements would not be restricted as she swam.

Despite the woman’s explanations, there is still a mystery concerning her state as she was not treated for hypothermia that would be the usual condition of someone in the sea for so many hours. Harbor Patrol officials have still not been able to find the belongings she said that she had left on the beach, and there are no witnesses that saw her there.