Red Sea: EU approves rules of engagement for “Aspides” (Operation Shields)

The operational planning and rules of engagement for the European operation “Shields” (Aspides) in the Red Sea were approved by the European Union on Wednesday

The aim of the operation, which is of a defensive nature, is “to contribute to maritime security along the main sea lanes in an area including the Straits of Bab el-Mandeb and Hormuz, international waters in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf”.

The mission of the operation “will be to escort ships in the area of operation, to provide maritime situational awareness in the area of operation and to protect ships from attacks at sea, in full compliance with international law, including the principles of necessity and proportionality”.

The Houthis, who control Yemen, have launched dozens of attacks on commercial and warships in the area described by the EU.

The decision effectively outlines when and how warships participating in the mission – including Greek ones – will be able to respond to Houthi actions against them.

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The formal launch of the operation will be decided by the 27 foreign ministers on 19 February, as all other details have been sorted out.

The duration is 12 months, which may be extended in the future.

The operational headquarters of operation “Shields” will be located in Larissa, and its commander will be Commodore Vassilios Gryparis

In addition to Greece, France, Italy and Germany will participate in the operation, with Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani stressing that “other countries of the Union should be added”.