Reuters: The evaluation of the Greek program starts on Jan 18

European officials said the broad outline of the Greek reform was acceptable, but it was still unclear if it would bring the desired effects

A senior official said that the broad outline of the draft law on social security reform was accepted by European creditors stressing that the evaluation of the Greek program would start on January 18th.

“The first review mission is tentatively to start in the week beginning on Jan 18th. In practice, it might probably be a bit later,” one senior official said, according to Reuters.

A Commission spokesperson confirmed the EU executive expected the review mission to start later in January, but without mentioning the exact date.

As Reuters mentions, European officials said the broad outline of the Greek reform on social security system was acceptable, but it was still unclear if the measures would bring the desired fiscal effect.

For European creditors, one of the key aims of the reform is to increase incentives for Greeks to work longer.

“We don’t have a problem with the broad architecture of the reform. But does it add up? We need to get more numbers and technical data from Athens to be able to tell,” a second official said.