Russian military Syrian withdrawal continues

Russia and Israel to continue cooperation in Syria, Russian source says

According to the Russian Air force Commander in Chief, Colonel Viktor Bondarev the withdrawal of the largest part of Russian forces from Syria will be completed within the next two to three days. Speaking to Russian newspaper ‘Kosmomolskaya Pravda’. Israel has asked for reassurances from Russia that its withdrawal will not strengthen Hezbollah and Shiite paramilitary groups in Syria. Israel has by and large remained neutral in the Syrian conflict with the exception of some air strikes against Hezbollah targets in Syrian soil to prevent the group from getting advanced weaponry. An Iranian general and two high ranking officials from Hezbollah have reportedly been killed by strikes attributed to Israel. Israeli MP Benjamin Netanyahu had set up a ‘red communications’ line with Russian President Vladimir Putin, once Russia started its air campaign in Syria to avoid any accidents between Russian and Israeli fighter jets. According to a Russian diplomatic source, Russia and Israel will continue to cooperate militarily on Syria.