Shock: Jihadists made the woman’s father to throw stones at her as punishment for adultery

Very harsh scenes on video – “You should be happy with the sentence” says a voice on the video

Horror stories captured on video in Syria and Iraq are endless.

Yet another one sees the light of publicity, the story of a young woman accused by Jihadists for adultery.


What makes it even more shocking is that Jihadists made her father to throw stones at her. Although the father seems to have the chance of saving his daughter, he does not forgive her and with his own two hands ties her up and puts her in a hall in the ground, ready for Jihadists to throw at her more stones until her last breath.

In the shocking video the voice of the elderly father while his daughter obviously begs for her life says characteristically “Don’t call me father”.

On the video a Jihadists announces the punishment sentence for the woman, while he adds that “is the law of God and that is why you should be happy “.

The woman had a relationship outside of marriage and therefore she violated the law of God. On the video when the woman is asked if she is happy with her punishment sentence, she replies “yes”.

 Warning: Viewers may find the following video disturbing