Situation in Piraeus is out of control

An Afghan immigrant was stabbed by another Afghan at the makeshift camp of Piraeus port

Even though refugee flows have been reduced, it is clear that the government is still struggling to deal with the situation, while more violent incidents break out every day at the makeshift camps of Piraeus and Idomeni.

On Thursday night, an Afghan immigrant was stabbed by another Afghan at the makeshift camp of Piraeus port. The two men started fighting during the chow time at the stone warehouse of the port resulting in one stabbing the other in the chest.

The injured man was transferred to the General State Hospital of Nicea and Greek port authorities arrested the perpetrator.

Moreover, new incidents broke out at around 11pm when two Afghan groups, who were playing football, started fighting for unknown reasons. Port authorities rushed to the scene, while the Afghans stopped fighting and left the place immediately