State Minister expects resounding ‘No’ in referendum

SYRIZA’s State Minister N. Pappas is certain of the results of the referendum on July 5

State Minister Nikos Pappas said the Greek people will say ‘no’ to the institutions’ proposal. “There is an institutions’ proposal on the table which is not compatible with the people’s mandate and with Greece’s course towards growth,” he said. “In a few days Greeks will decide if this proposal can be accepted or not.”

He also said that “there are some extreme circles in Germany that in cooperation with the IMF want to identify the implementation of the memorandums with the existence of the common currency. This is unacceptable, as a message to the Greek and to the European people” and called all these extreme circles not to play with the stability of the common currency.

“The people will vote ‘no’ and you will see it,” said Pappas, speaking to the press at the end of the cabinet meeting. “Whoever, at this moment, plays with extreme scenarios undertakes a historic responsibility. We call on everyone to bring their political arguments to the table, to stop playing with the people’s bank deposits,” he said. “Europe has the institutional power and the political force to find solutions that overcome the crisis without the IMF.”