Swedes wake up to ISIS letters in mailboxes spreading fear and panic

Swedes have three days to convert to Islam or suffer the consequences

The Swedish government is in a state of panic after dozens of citizens received death threats signed by ISIS in their mailbox. The recipients of the letters were given three choices: (a) conversion to Islam, (b) payment of jizya, or (c) decapitation. The letters, written in the Swedish language,  stated that the recipients had three days to decide.

The police is taking the threat very serious as the letters appeared in dozens of homes in diffierent cities around the country at the same time. Regions that reported receiving the death threats are Stockholm, Ronneba, Sigtuna and Vstroes.

Some letters threatened that the roofs over their heads would be bombed and that the police would not save the recipients further more they threatened that the death would “extend to all.”


English translation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, full of grace. You who are not believers will be decapitated in three days in your own house; we will bomb your rotten corpses afterwards.  You must choose between these three choices: 1. Convert to Islam.  2. Pay the jizya [religious tax] for protection   3. Or else, you will be decapitated. The police will not prevent or save you from you being murdered. (Death comes to all of you).