SYRIZA a ‘whisker’ ahead in latest poll (infographic)

Voters demand coalition SYRIZA-ND partnership

Just over a week before election day, a new poll conducted by Metron analysis for newspaper ‘Parapolitika’ shows that battle between SYRIZA and New Democracy will go down to the wire. The findings essentially confirms earlier polls showing the race was too close to call. According to this poll, SYRIZA has a slight edge (25%) over New Democracy (ND) (24.7%) on the electorate’s voting intentions. Undefined votes amounted to 8.5%. New Democracy leader Evangelos Meimarakis was the most popular of the leaders with 46%, compared to SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras who received 45% favourable votes. 44% of the respondents said they ‘demanded’ a SYRIZA-ND coalition government. The voting intentions for the other parties are:

Golden Dawn-4.9%


Center Union-4.6%

To Potami-4.4%


Popular Unity-2.6%


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