Mar 2025
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> ballistic

> ballistic

Crazy 3D-printed, layered cubes can withstand bullets travelling at 5.8km per second

The idea was to test a theoretical structure called "tubulanes", described as theoretical microscopic structures comprised of crosslinked carbon nanotubes

The Pentagon pulls the plug on Boeing’s multibillion-dollar Ballistic Interceptor

With the program largely classified, it is hard to say exactly what went wrong with the RKV or who, if anyone, was at fault

Russia suspends INF Treaty with US

The INF Treaty came into force in 1988 banning the Soviet Union & the US from developing & deploying ballistic missiles with ranges between 500 & 5.500 km

Over 50 Turkish experts to work in Russian-built Akkuyu Nuclear Powerplant

The second group of Turkish students received diplomas from Russia's National Research Nuclear University, Rosatom says