Mar 2025
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> community

> community

Kythera: The message sent by the chairperson of the community before he committed suicide – He fell into the void from 4 meters

There had been a wild fight with an agent of the island who accused him of beating - Messages of grief from friends and acquaintances on social media

Watch live: the presentation and launch event of the Safe Youth app

The Ministry of Citizen Protection and ELAS present the new application, which aims to reduce incidents of violence among minors

BLM silent when confronted with data showing massive 2020 spike in Black murders victims

Black murders spiked by 32% in 2020 compared to 2019, and by 43% that year compared to the 10-year average

Wave of expulsions shakes Turkey’s tiny Protestant community

Dozens of foreign Protestant missionaries have been forced to leave Turkey based on intelligence reports classifying them as security risks

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