Mar 2025
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> Enoch Powell

> Enoch Powell

UK: Jihad murderer receives $148,000 in taxpayer-funded legal aid!

Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate...

Germany: Afghan woman murdered by her brothers in “honour killing” – Political confrontation about the failed integration of foreigners

"We need an open debate on the failed integration of foreigners due to the values ​​being transferred to Germany from the countries of origin"

German Islamic teacher’s license revoked for being too liberal

Abdel-Hakim Ourghi has written books including "You Don't Have to Wear a Headscarf" and "Reform Islam: 40 Theses"

Gatestone Institute: The religious transformation of French schools

If extremists have managed to intimidate France's schools and universities, why should they not be able to subdue all of society?

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