GPO: PASOK up 2.5 points after Androulakis’ election, SYRIZA minus 1.7 points, 12.2 points lead for ND
77.3% of PASOK voters say that Androulakis can raise the party's ratings - 55.4% of SYRIZA voters disagree with the exclusion of Kasselakis
Interview Poll: Absolute derby between Doukas and Androulakis in PASOK – Kasselakis’ victory and Famellos’ rise in SYRIZA
Marginal difference for Douca-Androulakis in the first round -Geroulanos third, followed by Diamantopoulou
Israel: Netanyahu’s party boosts its ratings after Nasrallah’s assassination, according to poll
The poll also showed growing approval for Netanyahu's handling of the war