Mar 2025
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> poll

> poll

Metron analysis: ND leads by 11.8 points, Plefsi Eleftherias in second, PASOK declines further

ND's lead drops by 2.4 points, while PASOK loses 1.3 points – All parties see losses except Plefsi Eleftherias and Niki

Opinion poll: ND leads by 12.2 points, Plefsi Eleftherias in second place with 15.9%

The government should focus on inflation and the Tempi tragedy, say citizens – Justice is the second most important issue after economic concerns – PASOK has lost 6.1 points since November

Public Issue: 70% say all three parties that have ruled since 2000 are to blame for the state of the railways

76% of citizens believe that there has been an attempted cover-up by the government in the Tempi case, with 61% of citizens saying they are absolutely convinced of this

Interview poll: ND at 25.8%, PASOK dropped to third place – Plefsi Eleftherias in second place

PASOK is third with 13.1% - SYRIZA is limited to 5%

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