Mar 2025
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> tempi

> tempi

Concert for Tempi held in Syntagma – Watch videos and photos

Syntagma and Panepistimio metro stations have been closed since 5:00 PM

Tempi tragedy: Appeals Court Investigator, fire brigade team, and metallurgist inspect train wreckage in Koulouri

Under investigation: The second electric locomotive of the freight train, a part of which reportedly detached upon impact, according to the EODASAAM report

Tempi: “I mourn my child, and I hear that he was carrying illegal cargo,” says the mother of the train driver

The mother of the 32-year-old train driver stated that the commercial train has already been thoroughly inspected – She claimed that the new investigations in Koulouri are being conducted at the request of the family's lawyer

Tempi train crash: Plakia’s post on the authenticity of the commercial train videos and the discovery of the lost cockpit

Nikolaos Plakia stated that the authenticity of the videos showing the commercial train was certified, but later deleted the post - Sources say it will take time to officially confirm their authenticity - A piece of the commercial train's cockpit was found, new investigations in Koulouri

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