Vulnerability of cargo ships to constant changes in global trade
The increasing dominance of rail transport from Mongolia, combined with the growth of Russian imports, is reshaping trade flows
Bloomberg: Turkey halts all trade with Israel over war in Gaza
The Turkey puts an end to imports and exports, without an official statement yet - "They lose," says the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs
Some businesses make “Woke Free” a selling point
Go Woke - Go Broke
From Kublai to Xi: Old & New Silk Road – Analysis
Under China's Mongol rulers, the Silk Road was a private enterprise scheme, an example of capitalist free trade producing prosperity
Which Countries Are Net Exporters & Importers? (infographic)
China and Russia are leading the way
NATO summit: Erdogan agreed to move forward with Sweden’s accession to the alliance (video)
Sweden will not support Gulen's FETÖ organization - Agreement on economic exchanges and trade between the two countries
Blood-Stained Ivory: The Dark History of the trade in elephant tusks
The quest for ivory has led to the widespread slaughter of elephants, pushing some species to the brink of extinction
China’s factory activity stuns with fastest growth in a decade
"We had already been expecting a rapid near-term rebound but the latest data suggest that even our above-consensus forecasts may prove too conservative"
Is a de-dollarization in progress? China, Brazil sign memorandum on yuan clearing
Brazil is China's largest trade partner in Latin America where bilateral trade volume exceeded $100 billion four years in a row
US Inflation Reduction Act could lead to US-EU trade war, some fear
EU top officials say the law discriminates against EU car companies