August might be the month when all the large urban centres of Greece are virtually empty, as locals flee to their holiday destinations, however, September has many things to offer for someone willing to go on a vacation.
The summer season is winding down, and while most will be returning to their bases, there are those lucky holidaymakers who left their escapade for September. And the truth is that September is an ideal month for holidays for many reasons.
First of all, no matter where one chooses to go, it is most likely they will not face any large crowds. In fact, you will be almost alone even on the most popular beaches, where just a few days ago the image would be more reminiscent of a Saturday morning at the Super Market, rather than a beach.
Secondly, the prices are lower. The high season bids us farewell and most (from rooms to boats and sunbeds) return to normal prices. The food is easier and more enjoyable, yes you no longer need to book a table in your favourite tavern, while the sea has the ideal temperature.
In fact, as reports, in September, the sea receives from solar radiation, amounts of heat at a slower rate than on land, while it gradually loses heat. The lack of August winds also makes swimming enjoyable. Zero Beaufort, full enjoyment.
Almost all the islands and coastal areas of the mainland are ideal destinations for September, depending on the mood, budget, and tastes of each visitor. However, there are some islands that are especially popular in the first month of Autumn and are the main attraction, both for those travelling from abroad and for domestic tourism. So according to the available flights and the offer of accommodation, these 5 + 1 islands are: