The Gladiator Emperor: Commodus and the bloodlust of Ancient Rome (video)

His reign was marked by corruption, violence, and excess, and craziness and he was eventually overthrown and assassinated by his own people

Commodus, one of ancient Rome’s most infamous emperors , was known for his bloodlust and ruthless behavior.

Despite being born into a life of luxury and privilege, he became obsessed with gladiatorial combat and transformed himself into a ruthless and unforgiving fighter.

His reign was marked by corruption, violence, and excess, and craziness and he was eventually overthrown and assassinated by his own people.

Let’s delve into the life and reign of Commodus, exploring how this once-powerful emperor was consumed by his obsession with gladiatorial combat and ultimately met a tragic end .

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Queen Cleopatra: Netflix adds the Greek Queen of Egypt to list of “blackwashed” historical figures

Source: Ancient Origins

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