The legendary powers of a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

The seventh son must be preceded by six brothers, with no sisters born in between, and whose father is also such a seventh son

Today is born the seventh one
Born of woman the seventh son
And he in turn of a seventh son
He has the power to heal
He has the gift of the second sight
He is the chosen one
So it shall be written
So it shall be done
Iron Maiden , Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

Seven – A Magical Number

Seven seems to be a magical number in many cultures, and is often imbued with mystical and religious attributes. In the Abrahamic faiths, for instance, it is believed that God created the world in seven days, while in Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters who were the companions of the goddess Artemis.

Other groups of seven include the Seven Wonders of the World , the Seven Sages of Greece, and the Shichi Fukujin (Seven Gods of Fortune) of Japanese mythology . In folklore, seven also has a special role in the order of birth.

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Healing Powers of the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

In European folklore, the seventh son of a seventh son is believed to possess special powers. The seventh son must be preceded by six brothers, with no sisters born in between, and whose father is also such a seventh son. Such a child is said to be gifted with the power to heal diseases .

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