What in the name of Zeus is going on with Schwarzenegger? (photo)

It is probably a tease for a Super Bowl gimmick

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long and incredibly varied list of credits to his name by this point in his career, but a new photo posted by the actor and former governor has fans asking: what in the holy Zeus is going on with him?!

In the image that Schwarzenegger shared, he looks to be channeling his inner Greek god for what looks like the poster for a big new blockbuster movie coming in February… but that’s definitely not the whole story.

He took to Instagram to share an image that fans are clearly loving, but he didn’t drop any details to explain what exactly is going on. Take a look:


This image may well have been Arnold Schwarzenegger dropping a tease for a Super Bowl gimmick, with the big game set to air on NBC on February 13. Super Bowl commercials are so legendary that some people watch the football event more for the ad breaks than for the actual game itself, and big-name celebrities often star in commercials.

source cinemablend.com

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