Will SYRIZA nominate former PM Karamanlis for president?

An official proposal has not been made yet to the former ND leader

Sources close to former Prime Minister and one-time New Democracy leader Costas Karamanlis claim that SYRIZA is deliberately spreading rumors about his possible nomination for the post of president of the republic.

Although no official proposal has obviously been made to the former ND leader, this scenario would serve the interests of SYRIZA in two ways, the same sources claim.

Specifically, such a nomination would appease the “concerned majority of center-right voters”, by sending the message that a leftist government is not a threat, as is willing to nominate a former leader of ND for president.

Secondly, if New Democracy proceeds with a change in leadership after its painful electoral defeat, the popular Karamanlis would likely reclaim the helm of the party.

By nominating him for president, a thoroughly ceremonial post, SYRIZA would avoid having him as a political opponent, the sources underline.