Woman on Lagarde List pays 500,000 euros in overdue taxes

Is it coincidence that she made her move following the 10-hour interview of the HSBC whistleblower in Paris?

A woman entrepreneur whose name is included on the Lagarde list rushed to pay 500,000 euros in overdue taxes on undeclared income on Monday. Her move came just two days after Greek prosecutors interviewed HSBC whistleblower Herve Falciani in Paris.

Sources state that the woman is under investigation for her connection with an organized group that concealed criminal proceeds. Falciani’s grueling 10-hour interview on Paris was mainly centered on this group.

The woman told first-instance court prosecution chief Ilias Zagoraios that she wanted to settle the full amount that tax authorities consider she owes. She made this statement in the presence of four public prosecutors.

Named as one of those who took advantage of “facilities” provided by the criminal organization for those seeking to evade taxes and conceal illegal income, the woman had earlier been summoned by prosecutors investigating the case. She had testified as a suspect for tax evasion.

She had initially asked for time to prepare her testimony but then negotiated immunity from the prosecution in exchange for the return of money.

The investigation concerns leads that current Justice Minister Dimitris Papaggelopoulos sent to the public prosecution in August, regarding individuals that provided organised services to those seeking to send money to a “safe” banking environment abroad.