Alexis Tsipras stated his confidence that -together- Europe can heal the wounds caused by austerity.
While arriving at the EU Summit, Mr. Tsipras stated that he is confident that “together, we can find a mutually sustainable solution in order to heal the wounds of austerity, combat the humanitarian crisis across the Union, and bring Europe back on the road of social solidarity”.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met on Thursday morning with his Belgian counterpart, Charles Michel, ahead of a European Union Summit in Brussels. During the meeting, the Greek premier was accompanied by Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis.
Speaking in front of a scrum of assembled reporters, emphasised that “Europe must respect democracy and the rules of the EU … Greece commmits itself to reforms,” Tsipras said, hours after a Eurogroup meeting failed to issue a joint communique. According to reports, it was Tsipras’ opposition to the word “extending” that scuttled the joint statement.
In decidedly toned-down language from his fiery campaign rhetoric and previous pledges to “tear the memorandum up” and make markets “dance” to Greece’s tune, Tsipras merely noted that “we must demonstrate that the EU can bridge its difference, respect democracy and the rules that it is based on.”
The verb “bridge” stood out, as Athens’ proposed alternative for an extention of the current growth-impeding bailout plan is called a “bridge” deal. He also mentioned the battle against corruption in the country — which is more pleasing to European leaders’ ears — in his statement.
Tsipras schedule is busy ahead of the EU summit, as it includes meetings with his British counterpart David Cameron and with the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz.
According to the PM’s associates, no official meeting has been arranged between Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The lack of agreement during last night’s extraordinary Eurogroup meeting may have cast a heavy shadow over today’s European Union Summit in Brussels, with Tsipras gearing up for yet another crucial meeting, amid pressure to accept the continuation of the memorandum and related austerity policies.
Tsipras is reportedly determined to decline EU partners’ request for Greece to remain in the bailout program, using as “ammunition” a recent election result giving his anti-austerity party a plurality of the vote and the mandate to form a government.
According to governmental sources, however, the prospect of agreeing upon a mutually satisfying solution with the European leaders is not improbable ahead of Feb. 28.
The same sources nevertheless said Tsipras will not accept the extension of the memorandum nor policies that will further burden the Greek society.
Accrording to the “spin” being disseminated by the government via press leaks is that the SYRIZA leader and new PM is prepared to leave the meeting if he feels that the European leaders’ stance is “insulting towards the country”.
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