ENFIA tax for Kallimarmaro Stadium!

How much is the single property ENFIA tax for the historic Kallimarmaro? 4.5 million euros!

Greeks had jokingly calculated single property ENFIA tax payments on the ancient tomb of Amphipolis when it was discovered. It seems that the joke is not far from the truth regarding Greece’s historic Kallimarmaro (Panathinaic Stadium) where the first Olympic Games were held in 1896. The Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC) was called to pay 4.5 million euros for the stadium. Furthermore, extra ENFIA is expected for the OAKA Athens Olympic Stadium as well as facilities at Ancient Olympia. 

The General Secretariat of Public Revenue says the reason for this mistake is that HOC had made a mistake when filling out the E9 tax claim pertaining to property as installations such as these are exempt from ENFIA. According to Greek law, state and nonprofit organizations are not liable to ENFIA taxation. The Ministry of Finance issued a statement explaining the mistake and the HOC will now have to resubmit their E9 tax statements.