More direct and indirect taxes coming to close 2bln Euro gap with Quartet

Taxes on mobiles, cable TV and petrol, among others

The Greek government is planning to raise taxes even more in its efforts to close the 2-billion Euro gap that exists with the EU institutions (Quartet) in order to get a positive review by the latter on the running reforms agreed upon last year. A series of changes in direct and indirect taxes are looking imminent for small and medium businesses and employees. While the expressed ‘red lines’ of the Greek government in its talks with the Quartet is to maintain the minimum wages untouched it is becoming painfully apparent that tax hikes might act as a counter measure to get the creditors ‘green light. Based on the talks that we interrupted when Greece’s lenders were still in Athens retroactive taxes are on the cards from January 1 2016. Wages and pensions will be slashed between 8 to 33 Euros a month for low and medium income earners through an increase in withheld taxes. Measures on the table by the government include a rise in the special petrol consumption tax, a hike in special mobile phone levy, and the imposition of a special cable TV usage levy.