Nudity vs. death on the blood-stained streets of Spain (pics + vid)

They undressed for the bull…

The Running of the Bulls is a popular event that takes place every July in Spain. People rush in front of a herd of six bulls charging at 15 mph. Between 200-300 people per year are injured after being gored by bulls horns. Organizers deny that the bulls are harmed in any way.

Despite organizers assurances, more than 100 semi-naked protestors decided to cover themselves in blood and show the sadness of the bulls forced to participate in the spectacle. It is not the first time the semi-naked activists have launched the protest that has come to be synonymous with the event.

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and AnimaNaturalis say “Pamploma’s streets are stained with bulls’ blood.” The Running of the Bulls is a popular event that takes place every year in Spain. People rush in front of a herd of six bulls charging as 15 mph. Between 200-300 people per year are injured after being gored by bulls horns. Organizers deny that the bulls are harmed in any way.

Protestors however decided to cover themselves in blood and show the sadness of the bulls forced to participate.



-FOTODELDIA- GRA048. PAMPLONA, 04/07/2015.- Un centenar de activistas y simpatizantes de los colectivos AnimaNaturalis y PETA han protestado hoy ante la plaza de toros de Pamplona contra los espectáculos taurinos que la próxima semana tendrán lugar en el coso con motivo de las fiestas de San Fermín. Los activistas han acudido al callejón de acceso a la plaza de toros vestidos tan sólo con ropa interior, negra en el caso de varios que con cuernos en la cabeza simulaban ser toros, y roja en el de la mayoría, que además se ha pintado el cuerpo de rojo para representar la sangre de estos animales que se derramará en los sanfermines. EFE/Jesús Diges