Varoufakis says Ministers were under surveillance by secret services during SYRIZA government

The former SYRIZA Finance Minister accused his comrades of hypocrisy

The leader of DiEM25 and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis blasted SYRIZA, accusing his former comrades of taking a hypocritical stance on the issue of the revamping of the Greek intelligence services during a discussion in the Greek parliament.

Mr.Vatoufakis said ministers were under surveillance by the secret services during his tenure in the SYRIZA government.

“Don’t talk about EYP. Mr. Tsipras referred to Mr. Roubatis’s period as if it was the golden age. But it wasn’t. I personally know that it worked to the detriment of even our government. Let him sue me for what I wrote about Mr. Roubatis in my book. You had 4 years to put EYP in its place. To put SDOE (Special Secretariat for Financial and Economic Crime Unit) into operation and Mr. Latsis in his place.”