Weather: Mudrain, strengthening of northerly winds & temperature drop for today

The main weather features during the day

The rains and storms that struck mainly the western and northern regions yesterday are expected to continue in a large part of the country today, with emphasis primarily on the eastern and southern parts.

According to the categorization of rainfall episodes (Regional Precipitation Index), implemented by the Meteo unit of the National Observatory of Athens, today’s rainfall episode is classified as Category 3 (Significant).

The main weather features during the day (10/05) will be:

– Rain and local thunderstorms in most parts of the country, which locally in the northern parts of Crete, the western parts of Central Macedonia, Eastern Thessaly, and Evia, will be intense at times and may be accompanied by significant rainfall amounts.

– Further decrease in temperature.

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– Transport of Saharan dust mainly in the mid-troposphere, which, combined with rainfall, will result in mudslides in many areas. Saharan dust concentrations near the surface will be low.

– Strengthening of northern winds in the Aegean where they will blow with intensities up to 6-7 Beaufort.

– Possibility of hailstorms in the Southern and Eastern Aegean.

The following set of maps presents the cumulative precipitation for 3-hour intervals on Friday 10/05 between 06:00-09:00, 12:00-15:00, 18:00-21:00, and 21:00-00:00.