Police are holding the 30-year-old Pakistani man accused of murdering the 35-year-old mother of a child, who was found dead in the basement of an apartment building in downtown Larisa, on September 8, 2022.
The Pakistani man, for whom an international arrest warrant had been issued, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to Greece and is now being held in Larissa prison until his trial. The arrested man was the companion of 35-year-old Joanna, whom he allegedly abused systematically. The unfortunate woman had reported him to the authorities for domestic violence.
The woman was found dead in early September 2022 in the basement of an apartment building on Papanastasiou Street with a head wound and wrapped in a blanket.
The chronicle of the revelation
The strong stench that appeared to be coming from an apartment building on Papanastasiou Street was what first got residents in the area concerned. In early September 2022, the owner of a store near the apartment building decided to investigate where the stench was ultimately coming from and so she went down to the basement of the apartment building.
There he saw the gruesome spectacle that led to the revelation of the crime, which “freezes” Larissa as soon as the case of the 35-year-old woman who was in and out of the apartment in the basement of the apartment building with her partner but had not given signs of life for the last week became known.
The smell of death
On the afternoon of September 8, police received a call from the woman who first entered the apartment, and went to the scene. Once officers arrived, they descended the stairs leading to the basement and immediately the stench, still prevalent at the scene, took over their sense of smell.
It was the smell of the woman’s lifeless body that the officers found in the small basement apartment, wrapped in a quilt and already decomposing.
One week dead – missing partner
Initially, the first assessment was that the woman died of psychological causes but the situation became clear when the coroner Mr Christos Kravvaritis arrived at the scene. His initial assessment turned the basement of Papanastasiou into a crime scene.
As the coroner told the media the next day, the woman suffered “a crushing head fracture, caused by a blunt instrument”, and the time interval between the woman’s death and the coroner’s death was a week.
Charge of domestic violence
According to residents, the couple fought frequently and police also received information in the past about a domestic violence incident. According to the residents, the women were always with the men in their various jobs. The place where they lived was a small apartment in the basement of the apartment building. That’s where the woman breathed her last breath. In a small, untidy, and uncomfortable room.
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