A 15-year-old teenager, who allegedly fully identified with neo-Nazi ideology, was arrested today in the town of Bolzano, in the Upper Adige region of northeastern Italy.
According to Italian authorities, the 15-year-old was about to carry out a murderous attack on a homeless man outside a sports facility in the area and then post his criminal act on the “dark web”. According to Italian media, prosecutors seized material belonging to the arrested man, which referred to neo-Nazi and Satanist groups.
The charges against him are membership in an organization aimed at terrorist activity, manufacturing explosive devices, illegal carrying of weapons, and possession and dissemination of child pornography. The teenager was allegedly a member of an international neo-Nazi group. During a raid on his residence, two computers were seized, as well as an axe.
Members of this particular neo-Nazi group had reportedly agreed to organize a “week of terror.” That is, to murder an immigrant or a homeless person, and then post a video about it on the “dark web.”
“This case causes enormous surprise and concern both because of the age of the arrested person, and about his international contacts – of a terrorist nature – and his objectives,” said Bolzano police director Paolo Sartori.
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