Sex, power, money – Mediterranean political traits on celluloid (photos+trailer)

“Welcome to New York” is a brilliantly-acted movie that has enraged IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn enough to sue!

Actor Gerard Depardieu’s new role in “Welcome to New York” is based on the life of ex-International Monetary Fund Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn who is portrayed as a powerful man, who controls the economic fate of nations and is driven by a frenzied and unbridled sexual hunger. Prior to approaching his role as Mr. Devereaux, Mr. Depardieu had a loathing of politicians.


The movie revolves around the IMF chief’s accusations of sexually assaulting a hotel chambermaid in New York in 2011. At the time, Mr. Depardieu had been critical of Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s behavior and had labeled him as “disgusting.” It’s an opinion that has changed now that he has interpreted the role: “The character I interpret is exceptionally provocative and somewhat Shakespearean,” he says. “You see elements in this situation that you would meat in a work by Shakespeare: power, wealth, sex.”


“Interpreting the particular character I found myself changing my opinion,” he says. “When I had learnt what had happened on the news, I had found the person to be disgusting and repugnant, but after the movie, I’m beginning to change my mind,” says Mr. Depardieu. “Perhaps this change has come about as I discover the real dimension of an imbalanced human nature – and this is something that you can find in any person who is swayed by his passions.”


“You automatically think, ‘What if I were in his position?’ and we are alike in many points. We are all alike: in the same way we make love and the sounds we all make as we climax to orgasm,” says Mr. Depardieu.


About Greece

Mr. Depardieu states that he admires Greece. Both he and Jacqueline Bisset, his leading actress in “Welcome to New York”, have come to Greece. Depardieu is particularly enchanted by Ancient Greek tragedies but states that he would never dare act in one when there are already many amazing actors performing them in their original language.


On her part, Ms. Bisset states that Greek and French people have many things in common. “The Mediterranean temperament, especially the way politicians regard their sex lives, is very different to that of the United States,” she says.


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