Blog: Is this ‘Global domination gone viral’ or are these the obligation to be met?

Is this a Stealth coup that sucks in a nation’s assets or is it management?

By Debbie Papadakis


Alexis Tsipras, the Greek PM, has undertaken a role never before experienced by a politician. He has gone against his principles and gone against the Party’s doctrine. He is young and different to what has been experienced in the past. We have had George Papandreou and Antonis Samaras seen as ‘yes-men’ accepting the IMF’s experimental memorandum measures. Nothing is the same. For the first time, this politician is a ‘No ’politician to austerity to a ‘Yes’ agreement of economic measures imposed by an Economic technocratic dominated EU. As for the people they feel as if they have had the ‘wind kicked out of them’ while at the same time ‘bring it on ’as they bite the bullet. Just imagine how the people feel? The question is, how do the people of Europe see the current course of events? Which country is next is the question that could be asked. It can be said that only time will reveal the purpose of the technocrats working with politicians on these measures -tread on a fine line being socially and politically reconstructive or socially and politically destructive. All eyes are set on how everything will be formulated not to further damage the on-coming generations.

The leadership qualities of this PM are to be further tested.

A mentality of a nation and indeed a continent need to change. Is Europe to be a ‘commonwealth’ continent or a continent out for ‘just wealth’ from the common? The power the EU had in feeding the ‘greed machine’ – with orchestrated ‘crooked politicians ‘ not only in Greece and sensational bubble projects of having mega foreign construction industries at events such as the ‘Olympics’ or ‘World cup Finals’ had $$ money $$ flying- creating mounting debt. Is this debt, something that legislative councils need to look at? Is our Globalized world ‘out to grapple and gain’ or ‘out to lend a helping hand’? And WHAT a helping hand it has? With the imposition of bank holidays and ‘Capital control measures’ common people and small business are frozen while obligations ‘sky rocket’ with stringent national obligations to meet and all national assets bound losing national sovereignty . The political world is experiencing changes.

For the first time a Prime Minister of a Nation has stood alone virtually and gained co operation of other parties in order to meet the austere terms on the table. The terms on the table though deemed austere and not viable by everyone many in the EU, eliminates freedom on a long term . Are human rights taken to account with these measures? THIS is where the leadership of Mr. Alexis Tsipras will be tested. Indeed the leadership qualities of all politicians in Greece and Europe will also be challenged to see how austere socio-economic policies can be made viable. ‘Hunger feeds Actions’ as ‘Hard work’ and ‘common wealth- civil protective legislation’ leads to progress. Above all education and hope for the future generations should not be neglected.

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