Thomas Liakounakos’ son arrested when visiting his father in prison!

Nikos Liakounakos’ arrest comes after that of his father on Monday

In the wake of the arrest of businessman Thomas Liakounakos on Monday in relation to the military procurement and kickback scandal, police on Thursday arrested his son. Sources state that Nikolaos Liakounakos was arrested for failure to pay taxes for services. He is currently being held at the General Police Headquarter of Attica.

The 36-year-old son of the man held in custody said that the police arrested him when he went to visit his father. He told authorities that he had proceeded towards a debt settlement and will be set free once his clearance comes through.

Three days ago, the police had arrested the man’s father after investigating judge Vasiliki Brati had issued a warrant following evidence suggesting Thomas Liakounakos involvement with the Interaction offshore company involved in the procurement of the Ebraer radar system from Swedish multinational Ericsson.