China OKs ambitious nuclear program

New nuclear reactors will join the multitude of existing ones

The Chinese government recently approved of the building of two new nuclear reactors, halting a four-year wait during which any and all nuclear plans were put on hold.


The “Freezing” of nuclear plans came after the accidents in the Fukushima nuclear plants in Japan. The reactors already underway were completed, but none were green-lit until now.


The two new nuclear reactors will be constructed by China General Nuclear Power Group. The nuclear station already has two reactors in operation and two more partially complete.


The approval of the new reactors is of vital importance to the Chinese government’s aim of producing 58 GW of nuclear energy by 2020.


China already has 22 nuclear reactors in operation, producing a total of 20 GW of energy. They are all near the sea and are operating normally despite protests by local communities.