Chrome plugin ‘Focusbook’ helps limit time on endless Facebook scrolling!

Facebook is a big addiction

Let’s face it, at one point or other we have all probably wasted hours upon hours of scrolling through countless Facebook posts. Once you go down that ‘Facebook rabbit hole’, you find difficult to let go. It has become like an addiction. Do not despair, because a new Chrome plugin is here to save the day and make you refocus. In fact that is the mane of it, ‘Focubook’, and it promises to scale down your ‘Facebooking’ by appointing a specific goal for each session. After installation, Focusbook will ask you why you want to visit Facebook every time you navigate to the site. It then uses a pop-up and descending blue mist and regularly reminds you that you have had enough and it’s best to move on to other things. The new plugin will probably not cure all ‘Facebook addicts’, but it can help us realise how much time is wasted on the site.