Die Welt: Greece is ‘practically ungoverned’

“Alexis Tsipras causes again political turmoil in Europe and he is significantly behind schedule” the article mentions

German newspaper Die Welt published an article referring to the negotiations between Greece and its creditors which lasted months and characterized the result as catastrophic.

Die Welt, citing EU officials, says that the first evaluation which was scheduled to be completed last October, might be delayed till next summer.

“Alexis Tsipras causes again political turmoil in Europe and he is significantly behind schedule” the newspaper mentions.

“We are far from the evaluation,” says European official, who wanted to remain unnamed, adding: “(The government) continues its inglorious tradition of its predecessors.”

As the article states, the delay is related to the difficult political situation in Greece. “According to a three-page report by Germany Embassy in Athens dated December 1, Greece is practically ungoverned”, says the article adding that “Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos is” friendly, but he has not made enough”, the report says.