DW: A potential victory of SYRIZA could lead to a “Greek Tragedy”

According to Deutsche Welle “If Greece reverses the so far progress of reforms, could be heading towards an economic abyss “

Following the first unsuccessful parliamentary voting Deutsche Welle speaks in its article of a “Greek Tragedy” in case that SYRIZA wins the elections that will follow if a President of the Republic is not elected.

According to the article” SYRIZA wants to put an end to the four years of  painful austerity measures and renegotiate the terms of the bailout for the country”.

Furthermore, the article refers to a statement made by an analyst in APF which supports that ” if Greece overcomes the current political uncertainty and remains on the path of reform, then the country’s recover will soon reach a better level. But if Greece reverses the so far progress of reforms, could be heading  towards an economic abyss “.