Erogenously yours! Secret volcanic hotspots to explore on your lover’s body…

Spots of ecstacy that are hidden in plain sight


While these are not considered erogenous, sight can play a strong factor in arousal. The longer the eye contact, the deeper the intimacy.

The California Institute of Technology in 2012 measured brain response in heterosexual males gently touched on the legs while being scanned on an MRI scanner. The men reported having pleasurable experiences when they thought the touch came from a woman but were aversive to the thought that the same touch came from a man. Even subjects touched by the same woman twice felt different depending on who they thought was doing the touching.


Kisses trigger hormones and neurotransmitters that flow through bodies to the brain. Some women are able to experience orgasms from prolonged kissing even without genital contact due to the huge number of nerve endings sending a flood of info to breans.

Try kissing eyelids, eyebrows, temples, shoulders and the like… lips are 100 times more sensitive than fingers.


Reflexology restores the body’s natural balance and can boost people’s sex lives too. The inside and outside of the ankles are sensitive spots as they directly correspond to areas such s the vagina, penis, uterus and prostate.