Greek dating site measures can now impress prospective suitors with… smilies!

The Balkan dating site wants to make the online experience better… virtually!

AnastasiaDate has introduced an exciting range of brand new smilies that will enable members to put even more life into their online conversations and make them more dynamic. The premier online dating service, which has a large and rapidly growing database of singles all over the world, is a high-quality international brand committed to helping members have a wonderful online experience.

There are several advanced communication features and tools available for members on the website but Chat continues to be the biggest hit. Chat is popular because it allows singles to communicate directly with their online love interest in real time with lots of additional communication tools. The new set of smilies added to this Chat feature will help members express their feelings in a much better way.

Smilies are amazing ice-breakers and provide members from countries speaking different languages with a common communication tool to make their feelings very clear. Members can make a great impression on their loved ones by using these new smilies during chat. Many members have already welcomed the introduction of these new smilies to AnastasiaDate’s Chat feature.

AnastasiaDate has also introduced a new range of deluxe Virtual Gifts to their existing collection. Virtual Gifts are another unique and hugely popular feature from the popular dating website. Members can use this unique service to surprise and impress their online partners with exciting e-gifts. The addition of new Virtual Gifts provide members with the ability to choose from attractive and beautiful icons which they can send to a member whom they would like to impress. It can be a great way to make an impression.

According to the popular dating website, improving the online dating experience of their members is an ongoing process. Initiatives such as the introduction of a brand new range of smilies and new deluxe Virtual Gifts are a part of their commitment to continually enhancing the online dating experience of their valued members. Members are using these new features to improve chances of dating success with singles from all over the world such as countries including Serbia, Greece, Croatia, Poland, Romania and others.