Justin Bieber slipped into Greece unnoticed while everyone was voting (pics + vid)

The heartthrob’s album “What Do You Mean?” will include a Grecian touch… but was it inspired by the September 20 election results?

Justin Bieber was spotted by a fan on Santorini on Sunday. Confirmation of the visit came from social media posts by Black Rock Studios, indicating that he was in Greece to put finishing touches on his upcoming album. This means that the star has added Greece to the list of places where he has worked on his latest record, with Iceland also on the list as that was his next destination.

The Grecian visit came following his promotion of “Mean” in Europe last year, and just as his single “What Do you Mean?” trumping up No. 1 in international charts.

The young crooner captioned this photo ‘Lost in Greece’ on social media before deleting it on Sunday:


The heartthrob’s manager tweeted, “In a far away places picking up the final final pieces”:


Black Rock Studios engineer Kalimeris getting ready for the Bieber session:


Justin posted a Kramer-directed time-lapse video from Youtube with the caption, “His grace is sufficient.” The acoustic accompaniment is from “What Do You Mean.”