Reuters: Crisis? What crisis say tourists

We love the place and people say tourists

Greece might be going through one of the worst economic crises since in its modern history, but the tourists visiting the sun-drenched country see no signs of strife around them, according to Reuters. From the standpoint of a traveler landing in Greece, the ancient sites and holiday destinations have changed very little by an economic crisis that led to the closure of the country’s banks and the its near default and exit from the Eurozone. Despite a set-back in bookings during the period when capital controls were imposed, there are some signs of hope. Aegean Airlines recorded a passenger traffic rise by 19 per cent in July compared with the same month last year. The foreign visitors are not affected by the harsh austerity measures the locals have to bear, and the poverty they have provoked, but some of them are aware of these harsh realities facing the Greeks and are happy to be supporting Greece’s main economic industry and enjoying the beautiful country at the same time. “We love it. It is a lovely place”, said Claire Murray from England, standing next to the 11th century Orthodox Church of Kapnikarea, in Athens’s Monastiraki, adding that she loved the people of Greece.