Safeline: Child pornography on the rise in Greece

Child pornography received a record number of complaints on Safeline

Safeline received 3,435 complaints in 2014 of which 20% had to do with child pornography, noting an 8% increase to the previous year. The highest level of complaints had to do with personal data theft (35%). Other complaints had to do with economic fraud (18%), whereas the lowest portion of complaints had to do with threats (7%), spam (5%), privacy (5%) abuse (4%), racism (4%) and copyright infringements (2%)

Facebook was mentioned in 30% of the complaints.

To contact Safeline for general queries, send an e-mail to or call 2811 391615 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (during office hours)

To report illegal material or inappropriate behavior e-mail to or call 2811 391615 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (during office hours)


SafeLine started its operations on the 14th of April 2003. It is the only Internet hotline in Greece that accepts reports for illegal online content and  is an official member of INHOPE (International Association of Internet Hotlines) as from the 18th of October 2005.

SafeLine’s first priority is to eliminate photographic and audiovisual material that portrays ill-treatment of minors and to safeguard their right of safe online surfing. In addition, children’s harassment through the Internet or a mobile phone as well as. violence, racism, xenophobia and in general anything that can be considered as illegal according to the Greek Legislation are also SafeLine’s primary concerns.