SYRIZA loses 20% in Thessaloniki, shows latest poll

New Democracy ahead by 10 points

According to the latest poll conducted by the University of Macedonia, SYRIZA is trailing by 10 percentage point to major opposition party New Democracy in the second largest city of Greece, Thessaloniki. The survey, conducted for newspaper ‘Thessnews’, indicated that SYRIZA had lost 20 percentage points compared to the previous poll! It now enjoys only 15.5% support of the voters in the first Thessaloniki constituency (A’ Thessaloniki), with New Democracy holding onto its previous 25.5%. Extreme right Golden Dawn has 7.5% and sitting third, followed by the communists party (KKE) with 6%, while the Centrists Union (Enosi Kentroon) win 5.5%. Junior coalition party of ANEL are shy of the parliamentary entry threshold of 3% by 1 percentage point, while the Democratic Allignment, made of of PASOK and Democratic left get 4%.


