SYRIZA prepares its government program after the meeting with Pope

Α comprehensive government program is still missing from SYRIZA’s agenda

The main opposition party (SYRIZA) appears satisfied after the meeting between its leader Alexis Tsipras and Pope Francis in Vatican.

SYRIZA believes that this meeting sent a strong and clear message worldwide of ” the economic crisis, the consequences of the perception that markets and profit are above citizens”.
The leadership of the party insists that it was an historic meeting and that Pope Francis recognized the specificity of the Greek problem since he stressed among others that “what is happening in Greece is unfair”.

This meeting also highlights the fact that “the interest for the “phenomenon SYRIZA ” and Alexis Tsipras grows, while the political crisis and bankruptcy of leaderships worldwide are more than obvious”.

But, now comes the hard part: SYRIZA has not finalized yet its government program, although it has been preparing it for two years. Mr. Tsipras chose to present a first action plan of a left government during Thessaloniki International Fair, but a comprehensive program is still missing from SYRIZA’s agenda. The leadership of the party will begin the efforts of developing the program within the upcoming days.